Monday 30 May 2016

Luxury Beauty Brunch with Gala Rosa Wines

Gala Rosa Wines Sponsors the "World of Fragrances" Luxury Beauty Brunch..

Wines are said to be one of the most sought after drink of choice in some parts of the globe, some can even be quoted to say, "when in doubt about what to drink, drink some wine". Actually, nobody said that but it sure sounds like something that should be said, which begs the question, why would anyone be in doubt about what to drink, the doubt should be "to drink or not to drink"?

Anyway, before we go into another subject entirely about choices, lets FOCUS.

Yes, lets focus on the brand "Gala Rosa Wines" and why they are being described as the best wine in Nigeria.

Our research team that travelled to South Africa last year revealed that Nigerian companies or importers to Nigeria generally prefer the "sweet wines" to "non-sweet wines" (to wine connoisseurs the word would be "dry wines") so the Gala Rosa brand created an ingenious concept, wines that cater to the sweet wine drinking community and also doubles as an ingredient for a cocktail.

We of-course were in wine heaven here at the HQ, a wine we can drink during brunch that can also double as a mixer for our Vodkas or whatever "BRING IT ON".

Fast forward to the brunch day, our tables were loaded and overloaded with bottles after bottles of the Gala Rosa Red and the Gala Rosa White. Our guests were plied with glass after glass of the delicious tasting wine. It came as no surprise when our C.E.O. sent word that we must reserve at least two bottles for her to "test" the cocktail factor. Our enquiry into how it went down received a "fit for all stated purposes seal".

So there you go, we try these products just for you and if its awesome, we recommend you splurge on it. Needless to say the brunch went awesomely well and testimonials from our guests proved it.

We shoot every product from our sponsors for our Blog, our Magazine and Documentary. Shoot location was Casper and Gambinis in Victoria Island. Image by Pharaohs Photography.

The Gala Rosa Wines in Red and White (Drink Responsibly)

We even did some product placement with the wines for the Lifestyle Section of the upcoming Beauty Reports Magazine

The Pre-Brunch Spread (please take your eyes away from the food, we insist, this is all about the wines, FOR TODAY)

Our Chief Executive and Founder of the Luxury Beauty Brunch with a guest Speaker, Founder of the Stephanie Nicholas Wellness and Beauty enjoying a bottle of the Sweet White.

To acquire the Gala Rosa Wines contact for more information.

PS... Subscribe to our YouTube Channel, you will be a part of history.